
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mix It Up

You can't always do the same thing over and over and expect things to dramatically get better.  Of course if you're constantly changing your pattern, progress is slowed as well.  What's the best way to keep getting better but still keep your sanity?

Build in a variety day.

If you're training 4 days a week, dedicate one day to doing something completely different.  Try a new sport, run with a weight vest, do a stone workout, do nothing but bodyweight...  you get the idea.

Why do this?  Why NOT do this?

My personal philosophy is that we should not be single-note people.  Try new things, put yourself in different situations, train at different times of the day, different temperatures.  Attempt to keep yourself from getting fragile/brittle.

Things to try that you might not be doing that are really good for you:

  • Turkish Getups
  • Windmills
  • Good Mornings
  • Atlas Stone Workouts
  • Sandbag Carries
  • Farmer Walks
  • Sled Drags
This is not a comprehensive list.  I might also recommend mobility work (i.e. yoga, foam rolling..) You should see a pattern here though.

Not every workout needs to be a max effort or more of the same (although if you do the "Easy Strength" workout, that does work).

Have fun with training, give your mind a reprieve and then come back to your goals with a fresh perspective and more adaptable, ready-to-go body.

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