
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Elder Advice

Today was a fun Strong Sunday.  As a dad, getting to move weight and challenge oneself in a way that isn't just a 5k challenge or office weight loss contest is gratifying.

What was surprising was that an elderly man (late 50's to 60's) felt compelled to tell 3 guys moving weight in a driveway that they were essentially going to snap city with how we were lifting.

I wasn't rude, I asked as much as I could about his background, but English was his second language, and all he could get across was "spine.  not good for overhead back".

We continued lifting and he went on his own tour of the garage.  Then he left.

"What just happened?  Did we get visited by an aging Borat?"  asked by one of the guys lifting.

"Nah..." I said, "Just a guy trying to keep his neighborhood safe".

It is interesting though, perspectives on what will hurt you later on down the road.  Tattoos, lifting, and sunscreen all appear to be in the top three for what is most important in retrospect as you near the end of the road for life.

Let's get a couple things straight:  lifting is something that we're not doing enough of.  Most of us work in an office environment where lifting anything over 10lbs if unheard of.

We were designed to MOVE WEIGHT.  It's intrinsic to our biological programming to run, pull, push, hinge and squat.  We were not designed to SIT.

Get out, move and make yourself tired and sore.  It won't hurt you.  Well, at least not for now, and you'll feel better, your brain will work better and you won't be inclined to tell youngsters that they're going to snap city for doing shoulder presses...

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