
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Stay the Course - Boring Be Damned

Tonight's strength workout is the same as it's been for the last 10 workouts:


  • 10 x bar
  • 5 x 135lbs
  • 5 x heavy
  • 5 x less than heavy

Shoulder Press:
  • 10 x bar
  • 5 x 75 lbs
  • 5 x heavy
  • 5 x less than heavy
GHD situps with a 15 lb slam ball on the neck

GHD back extensions with a 15 lb slam ball to the chest.

Why the monotony?  Get  the book "Easy Strength" if you really want to know.  But long story short: it works.

Of course, the definition of success is up to you, but here's the deal:
  • I'm deadlifting twice a week without pain
  • I'm shoulder pressing twice a week and making progress.
  • My core(back and abdominals are stronger than ever.
  • I can run and continue to add 10% mileage per week for the last 5 weeks and I am NOT INJURED.
As for running, my goal is still the same:  get a sub-10 on the American River 50 miler.  Then.  Finish a 100 miler in the fall.

So far my sights are set on the Kodiak 100.  Granted, it's an extremely tough course and I will be trashed by the end, but I know I can train for it.  Keeping the joints and tendons strong via garage training will be crucial to finishing this thing.  Running the longer weekends will be part and parcel.  Back to backs, carb-fasted, hills, you name it, the strength training I am doing now (PTP-based) is not too heavy to recover from, yet heavy enough to elicit tissue change over time that will contribute to the overall success that will be 2015.  Yeah I said it.  2015 is going to be awesome.

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