
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Running a Sub-10 Hour 50 Miler

Ever have the feeling you have unfinished business out there on the trail?  That nagging sense that you could have done more/better/faster?

Then you'll understand this post.

The goal is the April 4, 2015 American River 50.

It will be my 5th year running it.  It will also be the first year I go sub 10 hours.

It's time to clear the training slate, step up and honestly own where this is going.

SUB-10 AR50

How will this translate to training?

Resurrect PTP (deadlifts and presses 2x5's).
Reboot Viking Warrior Conditioning
Lasso the Yasso 800's and other awesome track workouts.
Run, and run some more.

Stay tuned!

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